

My name is David Corscadden and the man who rambles away here on Beyond the Wild Garden. I am a horticulture graduate from UCD and am currently doing a masters in journalism in GCD. On top of all that, I am a plant fanatic and lover of the great outdoors. If it is green and has a flower on it, no doubt I will spend twenty minutes looking at it and taking photos.

Beyond the Wild Garden was set up over four years ago to share my passion for plants and horticulture with everyone. Over the course of the past four years the blog has grown to encompass everything from plants, nature, gardening and food. In the past four years the blog has grown in popularity and has won two blog awards. The first in 2013 when it  was named Garden Blog Hall of Fame Winner (Best Photography and Design) at the Garden Bloggers Conference in America. Then in 2014 it was named Best Great Outdoors Blog at the Blog Awards Ireland.

My love of plants and gardening really stems from spending time with my grandfather as a child. Some of my earliest memories are of me following him around his garden as he pottered away at his day to day jobs. To me though it was a magic land of plant pots, seeds and the ever intriguing green house! His love for all things green really stuck with me and as I got older I craved to understand how plants worked more. Thus a career in horticulture came knocking.

A love for writing coupled with a sheer passion for plants has led me to some interesting places so far. I did internship with The Irish Garden magazine under the truly brilliant editor, Gerry Daly. Now I find myself running my own award winning blog here and working as a freelance horticultural journalist. I currently have a weekly column in the Kildare Post as well as contributing to a number of Irish magazines. This year I am also the Deputy Editor of the University Observer and it’s unofficial Food Editor.

That is pretty much me in a nutshell! I hope you all enjoy this horticultural journey you are about to go on with me, and don’t forget you can always find me on Twitter and Instagram.

All the best,



Get in Touch 

Make sure to say hello and let me know what you think of the topics I am talking about. Also really want to hear if you think there is something that I should be talking about! I may also be open to the odd guest blog post if it is on a topic I like and that fits in with the over all vibe of the blog !

Email: beyondthewildgarden@gmail.com

Twitter: @DavidCorscadden or @BTWG_Blog

Facebook: www.facebook.com/beyondthewildgarden